Saturday, September 15, 2012

Let's get on the street - Part I

Now that I'm in my third semester of my program I've started to apply a few concepts that I learnt in my earlier courses to see if they actually make sense in the real world. It's hard to digest the fact that even doing an "a+b" in the real world is not that easy - acquiring data, ensuring that it is exactly what you want, cleaning it, checking if it makes sense and clipping out those that don't and still be left with enough meaningful numbers  involve a series of massive challenges that only a practitioner would comprehend. And that is exactly why I ventured on this endeavor, to map classroom coaching to real world implementation.

I would have actually wanted to branch off from this blog since it has mostly been about life at Cornell but for now I think I would include all my analysis here until I figure out the best way to split the two different topics. In this post I attempt to implement ARMA time series model on large cap stock returns in an attempt to predict their future returns. It's a first attempt but nevertheless gives an excellent idea about the issues I described above and if the time series concepts work by a brute force methodology.

ARMA model for large cap stocks returns

Disclaimer: Please read
Please note that this is my independent work where I have used data from yahoo finance to explore time series concepts from a course I took in statistics. It may inadvertently have an overlap with a work that somebody else has already done and I have no intentions of replicating it. I would be glad to know of any such clash and post a clarification on this post.
I am open to having my work being redistributed or used but only after due credit and a reference has been made. Feel free to contact me to avoid any misunderstandings or if you need more details from this paper.

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